Monthly Archives: Oktober 2019

Halloween | Sonoton Trailer Tracks, Animated Cover

Spooky, mysterious and funny blockbuster music for Halloween, Horror, Fantasy or Animation productions.

Composers & Artists: Adam Saunders, Mark Cousins, Otto Sieben, Gregor F. Narholz | Cover-Artwork: Sam Hayles (doseprod)


Flyer | Franz Lehrndorfer – LIVE, Vol. 1 – 14

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How to start your Bitcoin exchange | explainer for

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Legends of Tomorrow | STT Animated Cover

#sonoton #trailer #tracks #epic #filmmusic #orchester

Epic, emotional, inspiring trailer music for Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Drama productions!

Composers: Romain Paillot, Nathan Malcolm, Gregor F. Narholz, Artists: The Bulgarian Film Orchestra, Gregor F. Narholz, Cover: Rod Steele